Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Circle lens review~ Candy Magic King size Gray on light eyes

Alright...I've decided to do something that I've noticed there aren't a lot of: Circle lens reviews for people with light colored eyes, like blue~ My first pair will be Candy Magic King size Gray I bought from ilovecirclelenses.com. (which, btw, has an awesome sale going on right now, for november, of buy two get one (of your choice) free!!) Now, my first thoughts on this pair were that they wouldn't really look weird on my eyes since its a light color and my eyes are a light color. My eyes have some gray tones to them already, so...yeah! :P

Okay...review START! :D

Design: Personally, I love the Candy Magic series. They have an excellent design and nice color. Now, I know that these designs show up a bit more opaque on light colored eyes since there isn't this dark color behind it to show through. They have a dark ring on the outer circle, making them circle-ish circle lenses :P and also providing the all important enlarging effect. Also, I know that these aren't the most natural lenses. They are more suited for the round, dolly-eyed gyaru look than any normal look. Try and wear at least some eyeliner with these lenses to balance them out.

Color: Alright. The color, is gray! (no, duh) But seriously...It's a pretty dark gray. I was expecting something a bit lighter, something like real gray eyes, instead I got this charcoal gray color that made my eyes look dark and brooding instead of bright and clear like I was hoping. The color itself appears to be pretty opaque, I'll wait until I get the Candy Magic Brown to decide that (since that one'll be changing my eye color pretty dramatically).

Enlargement: In my opinion, this is the most important part of a circle lens' design, whether it provides enlarging effects or not. This design provides an excellent enlargement. Big and dolly-like! The downside, is that, sadly, it IS indeed a bit too large to go without making yourself up some to prevent looking like an alien.

Comfort: Well...truthfully, I've had these lenses for a long time, so they're starting to get a little uncomfortable. But that's normal, and just the lifespan of a lens (the lifespan of these are about a year, with wearing them every now and then, not everyday like I do). HOWEVER! When I first got them, they were wonderful~ It was my first time wearing 14.5 mm lenses, but it was so comfortable! The water content is the same as my normal prescription lenses, so they don't really dry out fast or nothing. The other specs are the same as most prescription lenses, such as the curve...just not the diameter... ^^;

Suited for light eyes?

Alrightie~ This one is the lens with low flash (please pardon my big nose... =.=' )

This one's them with natural light from the window in my bathroom (no, i don't know what a window is doing in a bathroom)
And~~ Indoor lights
One in, one out... I like the enlarging effect (and how it makes my eyes look rounder)

None at all, just me! :P

Random Selca~ <3

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