Now, don't worry too much, as I'm keeping all my past videos, but I AM adding whole new content to my youtube channel: a ton of gaming videos!
If you've read my bio, then you probably know that I love to game as much as I love makeup, or lolita, or BJDs. (And in one case of gaming, I merged BJDs and The Sims!) I could no longer be a silent watcher of others' awesome gaming videos, and I needed to jump head first into the waters. So! I downloaded the free version of Bandicam, which works well for my simple needs, and started uploading, like, a million videos of me playing games.
At first, I didn't have a microphone, but I quickly fixed that, as I love to talk. And now, it's hard to get me to shut up! XD
Also, I'd like to thank GamerPoets for inspiring me to try and do a voiced roleplay or two of Skyrim!
And, if you ever wondered what I actually sound like (as in, when I'm talking normally, not cutely), then these are for you, 'cause so far, I use my real voice in everything but the voiced roleplay of my elf.
(And my real voice is deep and gravelly, I sound like a smoker even though I've never smoked :P
...I blame asthma!)
This is the series with my fake, cute, voice.