Yeah... that's quite the gap...
And not much happened, I was too busy blowing my money on other things to buy anything for my dolls... or buy new dolls.
But then! My birthday came, and I swiftly used the money to purchase an, albeit cheap, doll!
1. Uh, according to my last BJD blog post, y'all haven't even seen Xiao's new wigs, so... Let's start with that? I got her two, one of which fit perfectly! The other was too tight, and it was rather thin anyways, so... yeah. The one that fit well became her new official wig! (Did I mention how soft that wig was as well? No? Well, it's really soft~ (Ebay!))
2. Like I said, I bought another doll, and now the Lucas family has a young'n! Her name, as I believe I've already told you in a much older post, is Alexis 'Lexi' Mei-Ling Lucas~ :3 Her character is roughly 6-8 years old and she is Alex and Sasha's little sister. (She also looks almost exactly like her mother, Xiao-Hong...)
3. I got Lexi a wig! "Why is this separate?" you may ask... Well, it's 'cause I got her, like, a week after my birthday, which is in mid-February, and didn't get her a wig until, like, another week, and then after that, it was, like, a few days of waiting for that. SO... yeah.
4. OH! I also did her faceup, like, the day I got her... It was snowing, so I couldn't do it outside, like I normally do, so instead, I probably gave myself cancer by doing her faceup in the garage, with the door partially opened, and with a crappy little dust-mask. If I die, y'all know why... XD But anyways, it was my first time doing eyelashes... and I think I did an alright job!
5. I went to a meetup... DUNDUNDUN~~ :o
Everyone (all two of them!) were nice, and didn't look at me weird when I told them what company and sculpt Xiao was, they just looked a little confused since they hadn't heard of her company... but then I told them that I got her from MoC, and their faces relaxed, so I guess that they were just worried that I'd been ripped off??
6. AND... I gave Xiao a few tattoos, and pierced her tiny ears, and blushed her hands :3
Okay... PIC TIME~
First time body-blushing! Gave her pinkish-red nail polish and blushing! |
New wig! |
And here's the wig that barely fit and was seriously too tight |
My Hujoo lily head, before her faceup~ |
Lexi (Hujoo Lily), with her faceup. |
And here's Lexi fully clothed, faceup'd, a wigged. |
Infinity symbol on Xiao's ankle |
Another infinity symbol on her foot |
Three birds on a branch, which symbolize herself and her twins~ |
Xiao, at our first meetup! |
Pierced ears, and a snippet of her back tattoo! |