Thursday, July 31, 2014

New York is kinda stupid sometimes... :/

I know, it's an abnormally mean title coming from me... or anyone, in my opinion.
BUT the New York City Subway System is rather stupid. (Thank God for friendly homeless people!)

Two of my friends, my mom, and I went to New York this past weekend, yeah? Well, it'd been a while since we had been on the subway in New York (which, by the way, is, like, the least user-friendly subway system out of the three cities I've been to that have subways/metros/whatevers... aka, LA and DC and NYC), and we were sooo lost. I knew which train we wanted to take, and what station we were going to get off on, but we didn't know what kind of ticket to buy... There were three kinds: Single-Ride; Metro-Card; and Quick Metro-Card. We were stupid and bought single rides, completely unaware that each credit card was limited to only two per day... We had four people and two cards, so we managed to get to the Btssb store... but we didn't know that, because of this stupid rule, we were going to end up trapped in the 2 Ave. Station, trying to get back, but unable to. BUT THEN CAME OUR SAVIOR! A nice homeless man, who noticed that we were, obviously, tourists, and were, obviously, stuck, walked up to the ticket machine and started pushing buttons for us after asking us where we were trying to get to. And his help got us back to Times Square, which let us get back to the hotel!!!

 I wanted to hug that nice man! (But didn't due to stranger-danger instincts and the fact that both of us were drenched in sweat...) Sadly, we didn't have any money smaller than a $20 (which we were saving for food and stuff), and we felt bad that we couldn't give him some money for his help, but we had plenty of water bottles! :D  So, of course, we gave him the last cold one, and he smiled, thanking us and exclaiming, "You saw I was sweatin'!"

Sooo, yeah, New York, as a city? The subway system is totally stupid... and NOT USER-FRIENDLY!! D:
But the people, or well, at least those that care about New York's thriving tourism trade, or maybe just care about people, they're nice. And helpful!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Half Educational/Half Kawaii NYC Haul~

Yep, just as the title says, when I went shopping, I successfully split it in half between educational stuff and kawaii stuff! YES! While I spent more money on the kawaii stuff, of course, I did manage to buy two cute/lolita things and two educational things! And that was all of my money... I'm poor... :(

Hehehe... Anyways~ ^^;
My haul video is below!

Baby, the Stars Shine Bright in New York City!!! :3

Alright, trip's over!
I will now share my experience at the one and only: Baby the Stars Shine Bright store in NYC!
The first day we got to New York, we went to the store immediately after we got to the hotel in NJ, rode a bus to NYC, then took the subway to the Baby store! Needless to say, for those of you that saw how I planned on dressing to go to the store, y'all can probably figure out that I was SWEATING TO DEATH! D:
"Why is this important?" you may ask... Trust me, it's important.

SO! We got to the Btssb/TokyoRebel store about 30 mins before closing or so (I wasn't paying attention to the time) I was drenched in sweat, so, of course, I didn't dare try anything on, but if I wanted to, I could've tried up to 5 items! (Which, duh, isn't that much in America, 'cause, I don't know about you, but I try on, like, 10 things minimum at most stores(Then again, most stores have a lot bigger selection than Baby-san))
Anyways! One of my best friends, who accompanied me on the trip, and is a complete gothic/punk/raver/sometimes lolita/whatever chick, she fell in love with the TokyoRebel side of the store... that's right, the store is one store with half the store in pink, and the other half in black, this confused the crap out of my mother, who thought for sure that it'd be two stories. XD
But, like I was saying, my friend tried on a SEX POT ReVeNGe shirt. White with black straps/buckles around the chest and arms, and with detachable black sleeves! And all along the bottom were these cool lace-y, tulle-y, netting stuff, that looked all torn up. IT WAS SWEET :D
Sadly, though, I've no pictures... 'cause no pictures are allowed in the store, my other friend learned that the hard way when she tried to get a picture of my gothic friend in the shirt and the Baby-san shop-girl put her hand in front of the camera, much to the horror of my other friend XD
EDIT: Actually, here's a picture of her shirt, 'cause I've finally looked it up on TokyoRebel's site... ^^;
2 Way Bondage Gauze Cutsew
It's called the 2-way bondage gauze cutsew
Back to me, yes?
While my friend was trying on the shirt, I was trying out the Usakumya-chan pochette. I'm pretty sure that the shop staff thought I was nutty, since I immediately went up to the counter, asked to see a usakumya pochette, then asked to rip it's hood off and stick my hand down there. 

You might be yelling at me that I'm a tactless idiot, but I was spending almost all my money at this store, on this thing, and I wanted to make sure that my hand could even fit inside!

But the shop staff, if they did think I was nutty, it didn't show. The TokyoRebel shop-girl was at the counter, so she dealt with most of my craziness, and she was soooo nice, and cool-looking! She just asked me what color I wanted, to which I replied, "Pink!" She knew which on I wanted since they only had the one type that had any pink on it, and she grabbed it and handed it to me. That was when I asked if I could open it and see if my hand would get down there. Her smile faltered, most likely because she wasn't sure if she was going to make the sale anymore, but she nodded, pulled the hood off for me, unzipped it, and handed it back to me. The only thing? My hands were VERY SWEATY...
But I tried! I stuck my hand as far down as it would go! And it didn't go past the neck 'cause my hands were sticky! D:
That's when my mom stepped in, took it from me and stuck her hand all the way to the bottom, and I knew that her hands were either bigger or the same size as mine, so I went ahead and asked to buy it. The shop-girl asked me if I wanted the one I had been messing with, or a new, shrink-wrapped one, I felt bad that I had stuffed my sweaty hands down into the display one, so I took the display one!
While my mom was paying, I chatted to the Baby-san shop-girl, she was nice, though she gave off a slightly elitist air, but that easily could've just been my paranoia since I was wearing a 'lesser brand': Bodyline. Which upped my self-consciousness at the 'big brand' store. But she talked with me,and we chatted about the only remaining headdress in stock. And the moment I said, "I'm cheating," while talking about my head accessory ('cause I kinda DID cheat since I didn't use something meant for the head on my head...) she jumped right in and said, "No you aren't, it's just different from our stuff!" Which really made my paranoia go down some...
And she was really cute... 

Back to the pochette!
My mother had bought it, and passed it back to me. I began trying to stick things in it immediately. 
NOTE: Things the size of or bigger than a large-ish wallet will NOT FIT!
My phone, thankfully, did. (And I think I gave the shop staff a heart attack when the tone of my voice became gruff and I muttered, "If not even my phone fits in here, we're gonna have a problem...")

While my friend was buying her shirt, the Baby-san shop-girl helped me put the pochette on and loosened the strap for me, so I could wear it across my body. Then my mom kept asking me if I needed a drink (which I'm pretty sure aren't allowed in the store, so I said 'no'), and then she asked the TokyoRebel shop-girl for a tissue. The shop-girl replied that she didn't have any tissues, but she had paper towels! So I took one and blotted my sweaty face, and when I was done I asked where the trashcan was, and to that, the shop-girl said, "I'll just take it for you." AND SHE TOOK MY GROSS AND SWEATY PAPER TOWEL AND THREW IT AWAY! HOW NICE IS THAT?! I mean, I'm pretty sure that the trashcan was behind the counter, so she couldn't let me back there of course, but still! It was nice that, without a single flinch or groan, she took something so gross and threw it away for me!

The shop staff (for that day, at least) were soooo nice! And didn't seem to be completely disgusted with my super sweaty self, and didn't seem to really care that I wasn't wearing Baby! And while I was there, I saw lots of people that weren't even wearing lolita coming in and looking around! And the shop staff were nothing but nice to them!

Usakumya pochette
This be the kind of adorable usakumya-chan pochette that I got! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Biggest Trip of My Short Life... :D

Okay, as many of you in the lolita circuit know, the one and only: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, has opened a store on the east coast, which happens to be where I live. 
Of course, however, being broke, and young, and living in the south, and all, I was unable to attend the grand opening... :(

BUT! My wonderful mother offered to take me and two friends up there~ We leave this week! "Why the heck do I care?" you may be asking... The truthful answer? You probably don't care! But I'm excited... Thus, I am sharing!

Another question you may be asking is: "Why the heck is this so exciting?"
Answer? Because I've never been inside (Or directly outside) a lolita store!

This isn't even my first time going to NYC, in fact, it's, like, my sixth... But I feel like this is going to be the most exciting trip yet! I've got it all planned! Maps and all! Coords even!
My makeup for the trip was carefully crafted over many test-runs, and many outfit changes... ^^;
My most recent, and probably official, test-run is below~

Wish me luck and fun~! <3