Monday, November 25, 2013

Xander's Head... Again

Hello~ Today, Xander's hair and eyes came in the mail! C:

I also did his faceup~
And, of course, a link to the box opening, 'cause I've decided to document everything suddenly!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Xander's Head & Alex's Hair

HI! Okay, so... uhm... yesterday, in the mail, two wonderful things came! This is just me sharing it with y'all~ So, enjoy?

Insert video below :P

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Reveiw: Angelic Pretty Etoile Twins/ Twins Etoile Bustier JSK

Uhm... Hi? Again, I feel that I must apologize for neglecting my blog for so long... But I'm back, with a much overdue review of AP's Etoile Twins~!
Etoile (star) is actually the highest level that a ballerina can attain, higher than even prima ballerina, though, this term is generally not used in many ballet companies now... Except for the French, but, hey, it's their term, so... I digress. 
My point was that, well, of course it was going to be a ballet themed print! In fact, I probably would've been very disappointed if they had literally taken twin stars and stuck them on the dress. NOT. CUTE. (To me at least... Ballet, however, I LOVE) ...Again, I digress. 

Let's begin, shall we?

 Now, I was very skeptical as to how much nicer a 'big brand' dress could be...and I'm still kind of skeptical. I mean, without a doubt, it's nicer, for starters, it has lining! But, I do have one complaint, and with Bodyline, I didn't really have any complaints on my favorite dress by them... But anyways, the ZIPPER! It just simply FRUSTRATES ME to no end. I know that I shouldn't expect perfect zippers from everyone, but this is one of the biggest brands in lolita! And I know that it's not not going up because of my size, because I can easily stretch the dress more. My point is that I HATE the zipper. Not just because it's difficult to zip, but because it's past being difficult! Every time I wear this dress, I get a blister on my finger where I was holding the zipper! (Hey! Beauty is pain!) But other than that ZIPPER, it's a absolutely gorgeous dress, made of a lovely and light chiffon-ish material, perfect for summer!
The bustier bodice with fake corset lacing

The skirt

This bow is removable

The print, isn't it cute~?!

I can only assume (most likely correctly) that these would be the etoile twins
The Angelic Pretty within the ribbons of a pair of pointe shoes
Le derriere

REAL corset lacing, with shirring

My attempt of showing the evil side zipper

The ends of the waistties

The button that allows you to remove the waistties

Super soft AP lace~ w/ crowns


Here's it in motion and another review I did on it:

So, all in all, lovely dress, evil zipper, removable waistties and bow, fake AND real corset lacing, twins, swans with crowns, pointe shoes that turn into Angelic Pretty, bubbles everywhere, and... I'm running out of things to say... just watch the video to see whatever I might've forgotten to say here~!

Friday, November 22, 2013

BJD Family as of 2013 + Clothing Opinions?

Ahem, uh... hi?
While I realize that I haven't really been using this blog at all, period, lately, I really haven't been using it to do BJD related stuffs either. And I'm much too lazy to create a separate blog for that...
Soooo~ I figured that I'd begin using this blog for my BJD obsession as well! C:

 Lemme introduce you to my dolls:

My first doll: Sasha (DollZone Luke in normal yellow skin)

Him in his 'bum clothes'

My second doll: Alex/ Sasha's fraternal twin (Doll Leaves Amara in normal skin)

And lastly: Inhyung ((who is not related to Alex and Sasha in any way) Hujoo Suve in apricot skin)

And finally: Happy Little Portrait~

Also, I have Alex & Sasha's dad's head in transit to me in the mail... saving up for the body!
Xander's head - Doll Family A Practice Head in normal pink skin
PS:What did you think of my dollies clothes? 'Cause I made all of the outfits except for the first one ^.^ I'd love some critique~ Since I'm new-ish to this whole 'making stuff' thing... (for dolls at least)